Understanding Hit And Run Accidents In Rhode Island

When you’re in an accident, things are bad enough as they are. But when someone responsible for the accident actually leaves the scene of the accident, things can go from bad to worse—not to mention, more frustrating– really quickly.
Hit and Run Laws
Legally, when anybody is in any kind of accident, in Rhode Island, they have an obligation to stop, provide their contact and insurance information, and also, to render aid to anybody who may be in need. Even with cars that don’t have anybody in them, the law requires that people either locate the owner, or leave a note with contact information.
And leaving the scene of the accident can lead to serious criminal penalties—including jail time.
Remember that the obligation to stop doesn’t just apply to the negligent driver. Even if you are the victim of an accident, you still could face criminal penalties for leaving the scene of an accident.
Accident victims may ask, “what good are criminal penalties—how does that help me get compensation for my hit and run accident?” The answer is that because leaving the scene of an accident is a crime, it means that police may look for, and eventually track down, the person who hit you and then ran.
Type of Accidents
Hit and run accidents can take many forms. In some cases, a driver may hit you, and then just drive off. But that’s not always what happens. In other situations, a driver may actually stop, at least for a bit, after an accident, but then leave before police come, or before contact information is exchanged.
Finding the Negligent Party
The legal aspects of a hit and run car accident are no different than any other kind of accident. But the biggest problem in a hit and run accident is, as you may imagine, figuring out who is liable. If you’re able to get a license plate number, that can be vital, but many people after an accident aren’t in position to do that. Getting any information at all, such as the negligent driver’s car or color or make or model, can help.
It should go without saying never to chase after someone who hits you and drives away. That can put you, and other people on the road, in danger.
Insurance for Your Accident
In some cases, you may never need to figure out who hit you, because your uninsured motorist insurance coverage will help pay for whatever the negligent driver would have paid for, if he or she didn’t drive away. It will defend the lawsuit the way the other driver would have.
Other forms of insurance, such as collision or personal injury protection aren’t dependent on finding or having a negligent driver, and thus, those proceeds can be obtained regardless of the other driver.
Contact our Rhode Island personal injury lawyers at Robert E. Craven & Associates at 401-453-2700 today if you were involved in a hit and run accident of any kind.