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Author Archives: Jay Butchko


Getting And Creating Good And Complete Medical Records

By Robert E. Craven & Associates |

If you have an injury case, you need the best medical records that you can get. But wait—how do you just get good medical records? Medical records are made by your doctor, in response to, or in recording your medical needs and recovery. How does someone just “get good medical records?” You are, in… Read More »

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The Elderly Are Particularly Vulnerable To Falls And Injury

By Robert E. Craven & Associates |

Of all the dangers that senior citizens face, and of all the ways that they are often injured, you may be surprised to know that falls and trips are one of the leading causes of injuries to our senior population. In fact, seniors fall at a higher rate than all other age groups and… Read More »

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A Friendly Wave In Traffic Can End Up Causing An Accident

By Robert E. Craven & Associates |

Ever see someone stuck in traffic, or trying to make a turn, and you have a better vantage point than they do? So you want to be helpful, and when you see that traffic is clear, you wave that driver through or tell the other driver through hand gestures that the driver is free… Read More »

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Insurance Company Bad Faith: What Is It?

By Robert E. Craven & Associates |

In a typical personal injury case, there may be a lot of insurance companies that you may be dealing with. Multiple insurance companies, when you consider car insurance, health insurance, uninsured motorist insurance or other sources—both yours, as well as dealing with the other side’s (the Defendant’s) insurance company. You probably already know that… Read More »

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Knee Airbags Do More Harm Than Good

By Robert E. Craven & Associates |

When you get in your car, you may already know that you’re surrounded by airbags. Today’s cars have airbags for drivers and passengers, and airbags that protect your front and side from impact. But there are also airbags farther down below, where your legs are. They’re knee airbags, and although on the surface they… Read More »

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Do More Expensive Cars Hit Pedestrians More Often? One Study Said Yes.

By Robert E. Craven & Associates |

Wouldn’t it be helpful if you could just look at a car and predict whether or not it was more likely to ignore pedestrians, and thus, present a greater danger of hitting pedestrians? Well, nobody has a crystal ball. But believe it or not, there was a study done that did try to predict… Read More »

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Not All Mental Trauma And Injuries Are The Same

By Robert E. Craven & Associates |

When it comes to injuries, Many people use the terms “mental trauma” or “emotional damages,” without much definition. But there are actually different kinds of mental trauma or mental injury that can happen after and as a result of an accident. One way to think about mental trauma is that there is trauma where… Read More »

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Can An HOA Be Liable For Injuries On Association Property?

By Robert E. Craven & Associates |

If you live anywhere that is subject to an HOA, you already know that the HOA does a lot of things in the community (whether you like that, or how they do it, or not). Because a typical HOA has its hands in so many different things, that means that a lot of things… Read More »

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Understanding Hit And Run Accidents In Rhode Island

By Robert E. Craven & Associates |

When you’re in an accident, things are bad enough as they are. But when someone responsible for the accident actually leaves the scene of the accident, things can go from bad to worse—not to mention, more frustrating– really quickly. Hit and Run Laws Legally, when anybody is in any kind of accident, in Rhode… Read More »

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Is Your Accident Your Fault? The Other Side May Say Just That

By Robert E. Craven & Associates |

When you file a personal injury lawsuit, you would imagine that most of the case is about whether the Defendant did anything wrong, and if so, what they did wrong. But as the case progresses, and you speak to your lawyer about what the other side is doing or saying, you may be surprised… Read More »

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