Author Archives: Jay Butchko

How Does Insurance Policy Limits Affect Your Accident Case?
Insurance plays a vital role in helping you get compensated for your injuries. The Defendant’s insurance is often the actual entity that pays whatever settlement or judgment that you reach with the Defendant. But every now and then, you may hear an attorney concerned that the other side has a small policy, or that… Read More »

Injuries When You’re Run Off The Road
Is it possible to be in a car accident without ever touching or impacting another car? It sounds like a riddle, but it does happen, and it’s not as unusual as you think. It’s called being run off the road, and it happens when the negligent or careless act of another driver causes you… Read More »

Study Looks At Accidents And Car Brands: Which Did The Worst?
Ever see somebody driving in a particular model car, and think that they must speed or get into accidents? Ever look at a car brand and think “that’s the kind of car people crash all the time?” Are you right? Is there actually any connection between the kind of car that someone drivers, and… Read More »

Are You Ready For New Traffic Signals?
Red, yellow and green. Some things are so ingrained in our culture that we couldn’t think of them ever changing. But although it’s not on the immediate horizon, researchers are already considering the need for another color on our traffic control signals. Why is a New Color Even Necessary? The new color, which right… Read More »

Senior Citizens Face Unique Risks When They Suffer Falls
Falls are dangerous and potentially deadly, for most all of us. But fall accidents become even more deadly and dangerous, when senior citizens fall. Senior citizens fall more often than the rest of the population, and in fact, falls are a leading cause of injuries to the senior population. By some estimates, about 30%… Read More »

Getting Compensation When You Have No Physical But Only Mental Or Emotional Injuries
We all know that when we are in an accident and we suffer physical injury, that there can be mental trauma that goes with that injury as well. So, for example, a broken shoulder or torn ligament in your knee, can lead to depression. An accident that causes trauma to the brain itself, can… Read More »

Understanding And Defeating Claims And Defenses Of Pre-Existing Injuries
In any negligence case, a victim needs to show that the accident caused the injuries that the Defendant suffered. To you, as a victim, this is easy: you know you were fine, pain free, or otherwise healthy before the accident and that now, post-accident, you have pain, limitation or disability. But one way that… Read More »

No, Attorneys Don’t Have Actual Win-Loss Records
If you are looking for an injury attorney, it may seem like it makes sense to ask how often the attorney you are considering wins his or her cases. That temptation can be even greater nowadays, with so many attorneys advertising compensation that they won for clients, or how many wins that they have…. Read More »

Different And Unique Ways Of Showing Property Owners Were Negligent
When you fall on someone else’s property, and there is a lawsuit filed, to see if the Defendant is liable, many lawyers and law firms look at the standard factors and ask the standard questions. These are often questions that revolve around whether the property owner knew or should have known that some condition… Read More »

Before The Lawsuit: Understanding What Happens Before Your Case Is Filed
When you are in an accident and find an attorney, you may think that you are automatically “suing someone.” But that’s not exactly how the process works. There is a long and involved presuit process that happens in most accident cases, before your case will be filed in a court. Injury and Recovery One… Read More »