Author Archives: Jay Butchko

Liability For Injuries Caused By Bullying
Bullying has a serious and often long lasting impact on all of us, but most particularly, on our children. Children who grow up bullied, often drop out of school, or can even face a life involved in the criminal system—and that’s aside from the physical harm that often accompanies bullying. Not Just Child’s Play… Read More »

Under And Uninsured Motorist Claims: What’s The Difference?
We live in a world where it seems like there is just too much insurance to purchase. But when it comes to Uninsured or Underinsured Motorist (UM) coverage, it may be a good idea to reconsider, before you say no to protecting yourself. When Does Uninsured Motorist Coverage Apply? UM insurance is really two… Read More »

Inferences: How Much Evidence Can You Assume In An Injury Case?
We tend to believe that in court cases, and personal injury cases, that evidence has to be something that we know—something that someone sees or which is on video or in a picture. But that’s not really how evidence, or court cases work. When it comes to a lot of evidence, a court, and… Read More »

Liability When Things Go Wrong At The Tattoo Parlor
When we think of getting tattoos, we think of it as a piece of artwork, and to a large extent, it is. But don’t forget that that artwork entails putting a needle under your skin, and working with and altering, your body. Because of that, things can and do go wrong when people get… Read More »

The Role Of A Demand Letter In Your Injury Case
Let’s assume that you have a pending personal injury case. You call your lawyer, and ask for the status of your case, and he mentions something about sending a demand letter. What is that all about? What is a demand letter, and what role does it play in your personal injury case? What is… Read More »

Heart Attacks And Accidents: There Is A Link
When it comes to heart attacks, we tend to think that they are only caused by health or by genetics, or by long term health habits. But many don’t realize that more and more science is finding a connection between accidents, and heart attacks. In fact, research is showing that people in accidents are… Read More »

Big SUVs And Trucks: A Public Health Crisis?
We all know that the cars on our roadways are getting bigger. Trucks are getting larger, SUVs are getting bigger, and carmakers are rolling out new models that are truck and SUV based, leaving behind smaller, more compact vehicles. But does all of that come at some kind of public safety risk? A recent… Read More »

Collateral Sources Can Make A Difference To You
At the end of your case, if you win at trial, or even if you settle your case, you may see the amount of compensation, and figure that minus attorneys fees, litigation costs, and medical bills, that the rest of the settlement or verdict is yours. Except there is one other thing to consider:… Read More »

No Pain At First? You Still May Be Seriously Injured
If you’re injured in an accident, you get an injury, you feel pain, and you get treatment. At least, that’s how most people think it goes. In reality, many people may not even realize they’re injured right after an accident, because of how our body responds to injury, and because of the types of… Read More »

What Makes A Roadway Safe? It Could Be Who Owns And Controls It
When you think about the safety of a roadway, you probably look at some common elements that you would think make a road more or less dangerous. For example, you may look at the speed limit of the road, or the traffic congestion, or how many intersections. But it turns out there’s actually another… Read More »