5 Tips on How to Prevent Dog Bites in Rhode Island

Every year, an estimated over 800,000 people in the United States require medical care as a result of dog bites. The severity of injuries resulting from dog bites depends on the dog breed and the circumstances surrounding the attack.
Being a victim of a dog bite can be a traumatic and stressful experience. People who were injured by a dog may be entitled to financial compensation for their injuries and losses.
Under Rhode Island General Law § 4-13-16, dog owners are held strictly liable for any injuries caused by the dog outside its enclosure.
How to Prevent a Dog Bite
When possible, it is always better to prevent a dog attack than deal with the consequences of a dog bite. We have outlined five tips on how to protect yourself and your loved ones from being attacked or bitten by a dog:
Do Not Come Near Unfamiliar Dogs
It is never advised to approach a dog if you do not know it personally, even if the dog is on a leash. It goes without saying that it is never a good idea to pet a loose or unfamiliar dog. If you want to approach a dog on a leash, talk to the pet owner first.
Shout Firm Commands to the Dog
If the dog is approaching you and you fear that you are about to be attacked, shout firm commands to the dog. If the dog is trained, it will most likely back off. The commands that may be effective in this situation are: “Back,” “stop,” “no,” and “down.”
Do Not Run Away if When Attacked
Many people mistakenly believe that running away is going to prevent a dog bite. However, the opposite is true. By running away, all you do is trigger the dog’s first instinct to chase after you.
Do Not Kick the Dog
While fighting back might seem like your best chance to prevent a dog bite, kicking a dog will actually make it more aggressive and make it bite you harder. If the dog jumps you, lift your knee as high as you can in front of you. If you are already on the ground, roll in a ball, and crisscross your arms over your face.
Do Not Leave Your Children Unsupervised Near Dogs
Children love dogs, but, statistically speaking, children are more vulnerable to dog bites than adults. Even if a dog is friendly and socialized, it is never a good idea to leave your child unsupervised near the dog. Your child might do something that will frighten or provoke the dog to bite.
Talk to a Rhode Island Dog Bite Lawyer if You Were Bitten
If you or your child have already been bitten by a dog, it is important to take action as soon as possible. Your first priority is to seek medical attention to make sure that you are alright and document your injury. The second step is to speak with a Rhode Island dog bite lawyer to investigate your case and determine your best course of action.
Contact our lawyers at Robert E. Craven & Associates if you were bitten by a dog. Our attorneys will help you hold the dog owner liable for your injury and fight for the compensation you deserve. Call at 401-453-2700 to schedule a case review.