Monthly Archives: May 2023
When Negligence Is Obvious, It May Be Res Ipsa Loquitur
Sometimes accidents happen, and there is just no other explanation than negligence. In other words, there is no logical explanation for the happening; and no possible “excuse”; the only singular plausible explanation for the (often bizarre) event, is that someone did something wrong. When that happens, there is a concept in the law called… Read More »
Attorneys Robert E. Craven and Nicholas A. Solitro of Robert Craven & Associates were each honored with a Rhode Island Monthly Professional Excellence in Law Award. Both were nominated and chosen by their peers for being a leading local lawyer in their areas of practice. The recognition is based on peer evaluation and professional… Read More »
Are You An Eggshell Plaintiff? If So, That’s OK
When someone is in an accident, we generally anticipate what kind of injuries they have, and how severe they will be. We have conceptions in our minds that a given type of accident will yield a given type of injury, and that injury will affect the victim in a pre-set, established way. Same Accident,… Read More »
Preventing Injuries And Accidents That Happen At Large Crowd Events
Whether festivals, sporting events, outdoor events, or concerts, most of us will attend large-crowd events, and have a good time doing it. But every now and then you hear about catastrophe happening. What happens when you are injured in or at a large crowd event, and what can a venue do to keep the… Read More »
SUVs Cause More Injuries Than Cars Do When They Hit Pedestrians
You may have thought that whenever any car of any size collides with a pedestrian, that it is equally damaging; that is, it doesn’t matter what size the car is—a car is a car, and it will always do the same amount of damage to a pedestrian. Big Cars Mean More Damages But that… Read More »